Apply by Phone

Call 833-938-3298 and we will help you complete the application by phone. Our partners are trained experts with knowledge on low-cost home Internet offers.

Apply Online
Low-Cost Internet can be easy and takes just minutes. Choose the sign-up option that works best for you: online, by phone, or by mail. To get started, check out the available Internet Service Provider (ISP) offers in your area:
With the Affordable Connectivity Program, we’re on a mission to ensure all eligible households have access to high-quality Home Internet at a low monthly cost.
Find out how we’re doing — check out California’s ACP Enrollment Tracker.
ACP-Eligible Households
in California
Out of households in California, approximately are eligible for ACP.
Statewide Percent of Eligible Households that are Enrolled as of:
February 8, 2024
Statewide Enrollment